The Froggy
One of the most popular poses for newborn photography is the the froggy pose. This pose is only done by those that are well trained in newborn photography and should never be attempted at home or by those who have not done extensive training in the safety of newborns. This pose is actually created with some behind the scenes photoshop magic. The baby is supported at all times, and then the hands are removed later. Parents love this pose!

This pose is called "Timber" as its achieved by laying baby over on its side after the froggy pose. Like a tree falling over (though the baby is very gently laid over). Sometimes the feet are adjusted to perfect the look. I will even take one hand and add a little lovey or accessory for some variation.

Bum Up
Bum up pose is always one of my favorites for newborns! This pose is achieved with the baby on its tummy, with legs crossed. The hand should be under the cheek with the fingers peaking. Ideally, you like for the knee and elbow to be touching. Pro newborn photogs like to elevate the baby's bum to give the perfect squishy look. This pose is perfect for showing off one our handmade newborn outfits, or without to show all those baby wrinkles.

Huck Finn
This pose is called "Huck Finn", I am not exactly sure why its called that name, but its also another favorite of mine especially in a newborn outfit. Baby is posed on their back with the legs curled up. This pose looks alot easier than it actually is!

Praying hands
This pose is done with baby on their side. Their hands are very gently placed one on top of the other. Ideally with the fingers lined up. It gives the impression of praying hands.

Side laying
There are several variations of this pose, but generally has baby's legs stacked and at least one hand under the cheek. Sometimes both hands are under the cheek. This is a great time to add in some pearls or a wrap.

Womb or Taco Pose
This pose is called womb or taco, as the baby is curled up alot like the were in the womb. This pose is typically a favorite for babies that were breech. They love those feet right up next to their face.

Forward Facing or Chin on Hands.
Different photogs call this pose different names. I tend to stick with foward facing. This one is great to show off cute bonnets or some of the custom floral crowns. The baby is laying on their tummy, with thier face closest to the camera. Thier head is resting on the hands and thier feet fade off into the background.

Wrapped (Potato)
There are tons of different wrapped poses for newborn photography, this one is the potato, baby can be posed laying down, or when done by a trained photographer sitting up. I love to put little dollies and bears in their hands for this pose.

Wrapped, Toes peaking
This wrap is also sometimes called a figure 8 wrap. It is actually done by making a figure 8 motion with your wrap. I love to do it with the toes peaking out.

Egg Wrap
This wrap is done with the wrap over the torso, then around the outside of the baby. Sometimes the hands are left in, and sometimes they are posed to be visible. I like this wrap in a prop.

Baby in a Bucket
This pose is one of the most difficult for photographers to master and takes lots of practice and patience to get it perfect. I like to put a weight in the bottom of my bucket and I pose the babies in my hands. before placing them in the bucket.

Prop poses
There are so many different props that can be used for a newborn session. My prop collections is huge and I am always adding more. Each prop requires a little different approach to posing the baby, but if you are well trained in newborn photography, it can be done by properly placing the baby and adding positioners where needed. I may do another post later to show more of the different props.
Please note, all the poses where done by a trained Newborn photographer with many years of experience in handling babies. You should not try any of these poses at home or with out proper training in newborn safety.